There are three types of diplomas in NYC High Schools. They are a regents diploma, an advanced regents diploma, and a cte diploma. Each comes with its own set of different requirements. A regents diploma is for your basic classes as well as seven electives, An advanced regents diploma drops the elective requirement to three while increasing the number of LOTE credits needed to six. It also requires you to take a foreign language, regents. Cte diplomas and regents diploma both need seven electives. However, for the Cte diploma replaces your elective with a specialized cte class.
Achieving a CTE diploma would mean a lot to me personally. It would show that I was able to maintain my position in the Web Design Academy for 3 years. While also keeping my grades at a high level. To me, it would also show my perseverance as I would have to work hard in this 3-year program. It would also show that I was able to meet the expectations that my teacher had set for us. Graduating with a CTE diploma would also help me a great deal in the future. With a CTE diploma, it would help me separate myself from the competition as I would have something that most other applicants won't have. it would also show my employers that I would be able to work strat working straight out of high school or college.

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