Image File Formats
JPG is the most used image file format. JPG is used when small file size for transfer or storage, web pages, email, memory cards is more important than maximum image quality. But a High-Quality setting to create JPG is good enough in most cases. GIF was designed by CompuServe in the early days of computer 8-bit video, before 24 bits or JPG was used, for video display at dial-up modem speeds. GIF is still very good for web graphics with a limited number of colors. For graphics with only a few colors, GIF can be much smaller than JPG. PNG can replace GIF today web browsers show both.PNG offers an 8-bit mode to replace indexed 256 color GIF files. Since PNG was more modern, it offers other options too (RGB color modes, 16 bits, etc). PNG is another good choice for lossless quality work. Camera RAW files are very important but RAW files must be processed into regular formats (JPG, TIF, etc) to be viewable and usable in any way. RAW involves a little easy extra work but offers substantial benefits. For example one of the benefits is we can choose our settings after we actually see the image, and see what it needs, and see what helps it, and can still change our minds and try something else.

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