An event page that I would like to create is a college fair and deadlines pages. While there are many websites that offer this information. Some are very confusing to navigate and most of the time you need to use many websites to get the information that you need. I would create a website where all colleges in the US would be able to post their events and deadlines for incoming students. This would be organized by states and each college would also be grouped by the majors they offer.
One thing I like about NYCAC college fair website is its straightforwardness. The information that you would want to is right on the front page. In addition, the menus are also very easy to navigate and register for events.College fair website is my most favorite website because it is bright and vibrant. There are also additional resources to help you with your search. The website also includes college from all states and relevant information. To add on the website also groups colleges by their majors and events by fall or spring which is something I would like to include in my website.
The third website that I took inspiration from is the NYSACAC website because all the information needed can be found on the first page. There is also no clutter or irrelevant information that can distract you. In addition it also provides direct links to where you need to go to register for events.